The expertise of the ENGEES at the service of decentralised cooperation
In terms of development aid for access to water and sanitation, the ENGEES is involved in concrete projects through various partnerships.
The most active project partners at present are:
- GESCOD (Grand Est Solidarity and Cooperation for Development)
- Greater Lyon Metropolis for the Eaurizon programme - Madagascar
- Student associations with an international commitment (TR Monde and ISF Strasbourg).
The school also participates in educational engineering actions carried out by the Agreenium consortium (Agreenmob project, Water-RSA project).
Over the last 15 years, investment in the following projects has also been made:
- Development and support of a Specialised Master in Management and Engineering of Water, Sanitation and Waste Services (MISEAD) at the Hassan II Agronomic and Veterinary Institute in Rabat, Morocco,
- Development of the educational model of a Professional Bachelor's degree in Urban and Rural Water Management at the National Centre for the Study and Application of Rural Engineering in Antananarivo, Madagascar; an extension project to the Master's was envisaged but stopped by the current political situation in this country,
- Support for the creation of a Bachelor's degree (Canadian: baccalaureate or equivalent + 4 years of higher education) in Water Engineering at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada,
- Participation, as part of the University of Strasbourg, in the Support Programme for the Reform of Higher Education in Morocco (ARESM), financed by the Priority Solidarity Fund and led by the French and Moroccan Conferences of University Presidents (CPU),
- Participation in the Tempus programme "Securing Water Resources through Educational Change" (SWREC), which brings together the Universities of Strasbourg, Koblenz-Landau and Freiburg (Germany) and Tyumen (Russia),
- Participation, within the framework of the CPU, in the creation of an international and inter-university doctoral school in water and environment at the International Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Inclusion in international water stakeholder networks
In order to strengthen its international positioning, the ENGEES is a member of several French and international networks working on international water issues:
- The World Water Council
- The International Water Resource Association (IWRA)
- The French Water Partnership(FWP)
- Programme Solidarité Eau
- The International Secretariat for Water (ISW - SWE)
“Dakar 2021” Project
To symbolise the commitment of the ENGEES internationally, and to strengthen the training of future young water professionals in relation to international water governance, the “Dakar 2021” project aims to enable the entire 2018-2021 class to participate in the 9th World Water Forum to be held in Senegal in March 2021.
The students concerned are now strongly motivated to raise the necessary funds and to make the most of their participation on site.