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The Waste Management, Treatment and Reuse training has been accredited by the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles” for over twenty years.

Three schools are co-accredited for this course: the “Ecole Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg” (ENGEES), the “Ecole des Mines Nancy” and the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie de Nancy” (ENSG).

When joining the programme, students must choose between two options:

  • Urban waste: courses take place at ENGEES in Strasbourg. 
  • Industrial waste: courses take place at Mines Nancy.

The advantages

For young learners, the specialized master's degree programme is designed to refine an initial generalist education (MA or generalist engineering degrees). It is an excellent complement to training in terms of adapting to the requirements of employers in the field. It gives you a better understanding of the job, provides you with numerous contacts with professionals in the sector, and enables you to identify and be identified by companies.

For professionals, it offers the opportunity either to progress to a position of responsibility, or to retrain in a technical field other than the one in which they were initially trained. As such, it allows you to optimise your skills by effectively complementing them.

For foreign students, it is one of the best ways of gaining rapid training in the cutting-edge techniques and methods used in the waste sector in France. The Waste Management, Treatment and Reuse programme offers training in waste techniques, including treatment, reuse, collection and storage.


To provide engineers and equivalent graduates, with or without professional experience, with a one-year general technical training course in waste management: prevention, collection, treatment and reuse.

To enable these future professionals to assume short-term responsibility for a waste department in a local authority, a service company, an engineering consultancy or an industrial production unit.


Teaching team

The course is run largely by professionals in the fields concerned and teachers from the teaching teams at each school.

In particular, you will be taught by:

  • The deputy director of ENGEES
  • The director of the GESTE laboratory
  • Research teachers from the three schools
  • Director of the Soils and Environment Laboratory....

The speakers will include professionals from:

  • BRGM
  • Local authorities (Eurométropole de Strasbourg, Grand Nancy, Région Grand Est, SMICTOM Alsace Centrale, etc.)
  • Eco-emballage
  • Eco-system
  • SUEZ
  • VEOLIA.......

Geographical origin of the students

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Contact (copie 1)

Specialised master's degrees

Valérie FAUX

Head of specialised master's degrees courses

Phone: 03 88 24 82 62


Julien WEISS

Short vocational training officer

Phone: 03 88 24 82 34

If you would like to be put in touch with one of the alumni of the course, whose profile, origin, etc. would be similar to yours, please specify your wish in the letter attached to your application form.

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