ENGEES training courses
ENGEES offers a wide range of training programs: Engineering training (Master level), a Professional Bachelor's degree (B3 - Bachelor level), Specialized Master's degrees (post master level), Masters degrees co-accredited with the University of Strasbourg, and continuing professional education programs. All ENGEES programs are open to foreign students on an "open application", without any partnership between institutions. The way of entry depends on your level of study and the course of study you are interested in. The level of French required to enter ENGEES is B2.
If you already have a degree from a foreign country, you will have to attach to your application a recognition of equivalence of your degree (CIEP) which you can obtain on the following site: ENIC-NARIC.
Learn more about the French higher education system
Discover the different courses offered by ENGEES:

You have a scientific education equivalent to the French bac + 2 or bac + 3 (bachelor level) ?
- ENGEES engineering program (3-year program, conferring the Master's degree)
Entry to the first year of engineering training via the competitive admission exam (AST): Application + / oral admission test (in Strasbourg or in some case through visio-conference).
Detailed information on how to apply for the AST exam
- Licence Professionnelle protection de l'environnement, gestion des eaux urbaines et rurales (1 year)
This program is co-accredited with the University of Strasbourg. The registration procedure is therefore done directly with the University.
Detailed information on how to apply for the PEGEUR professional degree
You have a Bachelor degree or equivalent?
ENGEES offers Masters degrees co-accredited with other universities (mainly the University of Strasbourg). These Masters are fully managed (information, recruitment, ...) by these universities that you should contact directly (links to be found on the web page of the Master).
- Engineering and Geosciences for the Environment - Masters in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment (co-accredited by Unistra)
- Computational engineering - Master Applied Physics and Engineering Physics (co-accredited by Unistra)
- Law and Management of Energy and Sustainable Development - Master's degree in Economic and Social Administration (co-accredited by Unistra)
- Geography, Planning, Environment and Development (co-accredited by Unistra)
- Earth Observation and Geomatics - Master Geomatics (co-accredited by Unistra)
- Water-Environment-Oceanography (WEO) - USTH (Vietnam)
- Business Administration - Alsace Tech
You have a scientific education equivalent to a Master Level (M1 or M2)
- ENGEES engineering program (2-year program, conferring the level of Master of science in engineering)
Direct entry into the 2nd year of the engineering program is possible via the CONCOURS D: written test + oral admission test.
(in Strasbourg or French school abroad accepting the exam conditions).
- Specialized Masters (post-master) - 1 year course
Recruitment procedures: application + interview.
- Drinking water and sanitation (EPA)
- Wastewater and stormwater management (URBEAUSEP)
- Catchment area management (GeBAC)
- Waste management, treatment and recovery (GEDE)
Detailed information on specialized master's programs
Are you a professional already working in the water and environment sector?
- - Institutional diplomas
- - Continuing professional education
- - Validation of past working experiences (VAE)
CAMPUS FRANCE procedure: Registration on the Campus France website of the country of origin, is mandatory when it exists BUT you also have to register directly in the course you are interested in.