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General description and objectives (September to January - level Master 2)

Since 2005, environmental concerns have accelerated the recruitment of professionals in the fields of ecology and the environment.

The specialisation in ecology/ecological engineering (3A), developed in 2020 at ENGEES, aims at mastering a wide range of skills necessary to meet the current demand. This semester covers both aquatic environments (freshwater) and the terrestrial environments associated with them. The objective is to offer students the opportunity to acquire know-how in ecological engineering, restoration of environments, management and conservation of natural areas, community ecology and land use planning in connection with the Green and Blue Belt competence.

The teaching team also promotes a strengthening of cross-disciplinary skills leading to professional know-how in this field: convincing, arguing and taking a critical look. The acquisition of this knowledge/skills thus builds a versatile and sought-after profile combining skills in the professional field of water and ecology. 

One of the strengths of this thematic semester lies in its vision on different scales: 

- Large scale: geography, landscapes 

- Very small scale: the bed of a river (precise calculations in a very short time)

Coordinator : STAENTZEL Cybill


      Teaching Units

      Teaching Units



      Number of teaching hours

      Number of teaching hours (apprentices)

      Teaching units specific to the ecology / ecological engineering semester

      S9 GME - Species and ecosystem management

      The objective is to master the protection status of spaces and species. It also involves understanding the issues and mechanisms for applying the "Avoid, Reduce and Compensate impacts" sequence. The protection and conservation of natural environments are governed by management documents within which action priorities are established with a group of stakeholders.




      S9 SCOT - Territorial coherence and landscape continuity

      The general objective is to identify the challenges of a land development project and propose operational strategies, taking into consideration the objectives of sustainable development and biodiversity issues.




      S9 RESTAUR - Ecological restoration

      The general objective is to mobilise the theoretical knowledge acquired in restoration and conservation ecology in order to take an operational and critical look at environmental engineering or restoration operations in progress. The aim of the in situ visits is to facilitate dialogue with the actors and to appropriate the problems.




      S9 ECOQUANT - Theoretical and quantitative ecology

      The general objective of this course is to acquire knowledge in theoretical and quantitative ecology. This knowledge is then mobilised to respond to environmental problems. The existing tools (statistical and simulation software) are studied in depth and this learning aims to increase efficiency in the processing of biological/ecological data.




      Teaching units shared with other courses

      S9 GESTER -Territorial Management of the Environment and Risks

      - To know the institutional and economic instruments of public action to manage water 

      -Understand the social, political and economic dimensions of extreme situations: floods, water shortages and conflicts of use 

      - Understand, thanks to foresight, what technical choices on water say about societal choices, and conversely, understand the links between scientific rigour and political pragmatism




      S9 INGECOL - Ecological Engineering

      - To present the concepts, methods and mathematical models for optimising the ecosystem services of aquatic environments through the restoration of watercourses, the treatment of diffuse pollution in artificial wetlands and the extensive treatment of domestic and industrial effluents 

      - Address the notion of ecosystem services and raise awareness of the notion of ecological engineering

      - Address the technical aspects of ecological engineering (natural environment, diffuse pollution, tertiary treatment) and the solutions provided by nature for stormwater management.

      - Extensive wastewater treatment, diffuse pollution treatment, ecosystem services and ecological engineering

      - Ability to identify the ecosystem services associated with aquatic environments, the techniques to be implemented in a case study and to evaluate the scope of the project




      Common core

      Teaching Units



      Number of teaching hours

      Number of teaching hours (apprentices)

      S9 ACV  - Life cycle analysis

      Advanced project management, Life cycle analysis




      S9 PROJPRO3 - Career Exploration and Professional Development 3

      Job preparation, Professional forums, Professional project support




      S9 RHM3 - Personal and Professional Development 3

      Management and Leadership level 3




      S9 PROTUT - Tutored Projects

      The tutored project is a group work (3 students per team) carried out by 3rd year student-engineers that responds to a professional problem of a company or community on a wide variety of subjects. A teacher-researcher supervises the students' work to guarantee the scientific validity of the project. The project is monitored jointly by the company and the school.

      An agreement signed between the company/community and the school frames the scheme.

      Skills :

      - Implement and deepen your skills in a professional context in group work 

      - Work on a project to understand and respond to a business need 

      - Project management: identification of deliverables, tasks, blocking points, management of project progress

      - Become aware of innovation


