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General description and objectives (September to January - level Master 2)

The impact of human activities on water resources is increasing year after year. Potabilization fields tend to become wastewater resource recovery fields (nutrients that can be used in agriculture, heat, biogas production, reuse of treated water...).

In this context, the specialization in water treatment aims at mastering a wide range of skills necessary for :

  • The design, implementation and operation of water treatment systems, taking into account technical, legal, managerial and institutional aspects
  • The development of a range of treatment techniques to meet these challenges: treatment of micropollutants, optimization of energy systems, decentralized management (source separation of urine andfaeces)
  • The acquisition of these knowledge and skills thus builds a profile combining skills in the field of processes, network hydraulics and integrated resource management. 

The specificity of this thematic semester is its diversity, indeed, it proposes an opening towards new techniques, processes and modeling.

This thematic semester can be taught in English

Coordinator : LAURENT Julien


      Teaching Units

      Teaching Units



      Number of teaching hours

      Number of teaching hours (apprentices)

      Teaching units specific to the water treatment semester

      S9 TREAUS2 - Wastewater treatment 2

      Deepening of knowledge on a certain number of specific/recent problems in the context of wastewater treatment.

       Identifying current and future issues in wastewater treatment processes.




      S9 TREAUS3 -Wastewater Treatment Modelling

      Students will acquire the tools to understand the physical processes and associated mathematical models in the context of biological treatment by  activated sludge.

       Know how to model the dynamic operation of a wastewater treatment plant




      S9 MYTHREA - Modelling Hydrodynamic and Reactive Transfers in Constructed Wetland

      The general objective of this course is to provide students with the tools to understand the physical processes and associated mathematical models in the context of extensive pollution treatment in free and fixed cultures. 

      Three major objectives: 

      -Identify the physical mechanisms involved in the treatment of wastewater through extensive processes, 

      -Describe the biological kinetics and the factors influencing them, 

      -Model the interactions between hydrodynamics and reactive transfers




      S9 TREAUC2 - Drinking Water Treatment 2

      This module aims at giving an opening on the current and future treatment problems, as well as on particular contexts of drinking water production, such as in the framework of problems of developing countries or intervention in emergency humanitarian situations, as well as a first opening on the particular context of industrial water treatment. 

      It it also aims to take a step back and provide a basis for reflection on the upstream/downstream problems of a drinking water production plant project, the problems of rehabilitation, diagnosis of an existing installation, management of an installation in the event of non-compliance, and control of operating costs.




      Teaching units shared with other courses

      S9 PILOT - Service Organisation and Expertise

      Give you the knowledge and tools to understand, through case studies, the multidisciplinarity necessary for the analysis of performance management and the requirements of the regulation of public water and sanitation services.




      S9 NORMAL - Standardisation and Risk Evaluation

      The objective is to open the field of competence of engineering students beyond the technical aspects. Thus, the proposed courses refer to management in the broadest sense, more precisely to organization (water/sanitation service/decentralized services) and more particularly around the definition of management systems addressed by the various standards. 

      Two aspects seem relevant:

      - knowledge of the normative aspects and sectoral standards and more specifically the implementation of these standards by explaining the role of the engineer in this type of project, support, participation. 

      The other aspect concerns the field of risk and the highlighting of existing risk management approaches which contain a managerial dimension but also a strong technical dimension.




      S9 INGECOL - Ecological engineering

      Present the concepts, methods and mathematical models for optimizing the ecosystem services of aquatic environments for the restoration of waterways, the treatment of diffuse pollution in artificial wetlands and the extensive treatment of domestic and industrial effluents 

      - To approach the notion of ecosystem services 

      - To raise awareness of the concept of ecological engineering

      - To approach the technical aspects of ecological engineering (natural environment, diffuse pollution, tertiary treatment) and the existing solutions (Extensive wastewater treatment, Non-point source pollution treatment, Ecosystem services and ecological engineering).

      -Ability to identify ecosystem services associated with aquatic environments 

      -Identify techniques to implement in a case study 

      -Evaluate the scope of the techniques to be applied




      Common core

      Teaching Units



      Number of teaching hours

      Number of teaching hours (apprentices)

      S9 ACV  - Life cycle analysis

      Advanced project management, Life cycle analysis




      S9 PROJPRO3 - Career Exploration and Professional Development 3

      Job preparation, Professional forums, Professional project support




      S9 RHM3 - Personal and Professional Development 3

      Management and Leadership level 3




      S9 PROTUT - Tutored Projects

      The tutored project is a group work (3 students per team) carried out by 3rd year student-engineers that responds to a professional problem of a company or community on a wide variety of subjects. A teacher-researcher supervises the students' work to guarantee the scientific validity of the project. The project is monitored jointly by the company and the school.

      An agreement signed between the company/community and the school frames the scheme.

      Skills :

      - Implement and deepen your skills in a professional context in group work 

      - Work on a project to understand and respond to a business need 

      - Project management: identification of deliverables, tasks, blocking points, management of project progress

      - Become aware of innovation


