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The courses are designed to prepare students for their future employment by developing methodological aspects (documentary research, personal development, etc.), fundamental aspects (hydraulics, hydrology, ecology of aquatic environments) and technological aspects (management of public services, networks and treatment in drinking water supply and sanitation (wastewater and rainwater).


Teaching will take place mainly on the premises of:

  • LEGTA in Obernai (67) for Hydraulics practical work.

Teaching periods:

620 hours of theoretical teaching (including 120 hours of tutored project), from September to March, organised around:

  • a core curriculum made up of three course units (basic scientific education, documentary research, human training and modern languages).
  • a specialised core made up of three course units (technological teaching, tutored project and end-of-studies internship).

Period of the end-of-studies internship:

This lasts 4 months (from April to August).

The internship involves writing a dissertation and presenting it to the exam board.

The host organisation and the topic of the dissertation are chosen by mutual agreement between ENGEES and the student. As far as possible, they fit in with the student's professional project, complementing or affirming his or her initial training.

It takes place in a design office, in a goods and/or services company, in a local authority and, more rarely, in a public institution or administration.


35% of the teaching is provided by ENGEES' usual professional partners, the Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg, the Colmarienne des Eaux, the Syndicat Départemental de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement and the BEREST design office.

Other courses are taught by teacher-researchers from ENGEES or the University of Strasbourg.

Numerous design offices and service companies (in particular Vivendi Pôle Eau, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux, SAUR-CISE) are also regular partners for hosting and supervising trainees, as well as other commercial companies.


PEGEUR's degree office
Phone number: +33 3 88 24 82 88
Email: engees-lipro(at)