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Communications à des conférences

HERRICKS E.E., BRENT R., BURLE L., JOHNSON I., MILNE I. - A time-scale perspective applied to toxicity assessments performed in watershed management programs and performance assessments. Proceedings of "Watershed '96 : moving ahead together", technical conference and exposition, Baltimore, Maryland (USA), 8-12 juin 1996. Water Environment Federation - WEF. pp.203-205. 9 réf.


BOULLANGER L., BURLE L., PENELLE C., BELLEFLEUR D. - Evaluation of the impacts of urban stormwater discharges upon receiving waters : loads determination - river control. Proceedings of "Urban wet weather pollution ; controlling sewer overflows and stormwater runoff", specialty conference, Québec, 16-19 juin 1996. Water Environment Federation - WEF. pp.1157-1161. 3 réf.


ROULEAU S., LESSARD P. - Impacts of storms flows on a small wastewater treatment plant: a case study. Proceedings of "Urban wet weather pollution ; controlling sewer overflows and stormwater runoff", specialty conference, Québec, 16-19 juin 1996. Water Environment Federation - WEF. pp.1569-1579. 7 réf.


ROULEAU S., LESSARD P., PENELLE C., BELLEFLEUR D. - Determination of rain events impacts on a treatment plant throught continuous monitoring (poster). Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage (Hanovre, RFA. 9-13/9/96), vol. 3, 1996 - pp. 1825-1826.


Rapports d'études :

BURLE L. - évaluation écotoxicologique des effets des rejets urbains par temps de pluie sur le milieu récepteur Sauer. Rapport d'étape 1996. ENGEES. Communauté de Communes de Roeschwoog. 26 p. + annexes